Lakes are large water bodies surrounded by land area, the following list of 10 largest Natural Lakes in the World ranked by the total surface area.
1. Caspian Sea
The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world, it comprises Oceanic Basin, and its boundary extended to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia. Caspian covers 371,000 sq km with a length of 1,199 km and 78,200 cubic km of water. The deepest point of this lake is about 1,025 meters. The Caspian Sea is perceived as ‘Oceanic Lake’ Geologically.
Surface Area: 371,000 Sq Km
2. Michigan-Huron
Michigan Huron is officially the largest Natural Lake in the World, located between the USA and Canada. Both Michigan and Huron are the Single body of water linked to each other. The surface area of the lake is about 117,600 sq km with a total length of 8,792 Km, the maximum depth of the Lake is 922 ft.
Surface Area: 117,600 Sq Km
3. Lake Superior
One of the Great Lakes of North America is located adjacent to Michigan-Huron Lake. USA and Canada are the Basin Countries of Superior Lake. if Michigan and Huron are considered as separate Lakes Superior Lakes could be the World’s largest Lake. Superior surfaced on 82,414 sq km, stretched 616 km long, and the maximum depth is 406 meters.
Surface Area: 82,414 Sq Km
4. Lake Victoria
Lake Victoria is the Largest Lake in Africa and it is created by the inflow of the Kagera River. The basin countries are Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. The Lakes Surface Area covers 69,485 sq km, 322 km long, 84 meters deep.
Surface Area: 69,484 Sq Km
5. Lake Tanganyika
Located in the region of Africa and inflows are the Ruzizi River, Malagarai, and Kalamazoo Rivers. Tanganyika Lake lies in four countries Burundi, DR Congo, Tanzania, and Zambia. The total surface area is about 32,900 sq km and 570 meters in depths.
Surface Area: 32,900 Sq Km
6. Lake Baikal
Baikal Lake is located in Russia, also deepest in the world, one of the largest by volume of water. The entire Lake lies in Russia with a total surface area of 31,500 sq km, length 636 km, and depth of about 1,637 meters.
Surface Area: 31,500 Sq Km

7. Great Bear Lake
The Lake is located in Canada, with a total surface area of 31,153 sq km and 373 km, the Average depth of Great Bear Lake is 446 meters. Its Primary outflow is the Great Bear River and has 26 islands which comprised 759 sq km area. The temperature falls below -60 C in the winter. The Great Bear Lake is home to different species of fishes including lake trout.
Surface Area: 31,153 Sq Km
8. Lake Malawi
The basin countries of this lake are Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi. The surface area is 30,044 sq km, 579 km long, and 706 meters deep. The largest river flowing into the lake, the Ruhuhu River, and the main outflow in the southern end, the Shire River.
Surface Area: 31,044 Sq Km
9. Great Slave Lake
Great Slave Lake is the 9th Largest Lake in the World, it is 480 km long and covers an area of 27,200 sq km and the maximum depth is around 614 meters. The Hay River is the Primary inflow and the main outflow of the Mackenzie River. The surface elevation of Great Slave Lake is about 156 meters, frozen in the mid of month of June.
Surface Area: 27,200Sq Km
10. Lake Erie
Lake Erie is one of the Five Great Lakes in North America, Primary inflow is the Detroit River and the outflow River is the Niagara. The Lake’s Basin countries are Canada and the USA. The Total surface area is about 25,744 sq km, and it is 241 km long with a maximum depth of 210 ft.
Surface Area: 25,744 Sq Km
Note: The Man-Made Lakes and reservoir are ignored from the list.