Tallest Waterfalls in Australia

Australia is one of the world’s largest countries, with most of its land deserted and a number of islands. Waterfalls, green forests, and hill stations may all be found in various regions of the nation. Elizabeth Grant Falls, located in Queensland, is Australia’s highest waterfall, spinning 300 meters high. There are hundreds of spectacular waterfalls in New South Wales and Queensland, some of which are easily accessible and others which are in isolated places.

Tallest Waterfalls in Australia
Name of Waterfalls
1Elizabeth Grant Falls984 ft (300 m)Queensland
2Wallaman Falls879 ft (268 m)Queensland
3Wollomombi Falls853 ft (260 m)New South Wales
4Dandongadale Falls836 ft (255 m)Victoria
5Katoomba Falls800 ft (244 m)New South Wales
6Dandahra Falls787 ft (240 m)New South Wales
7Piemans Falls769 ft (234 m)Victoria
8Kanangra Falls738 ft (225 m)New South Wales
9Big Mowbray Falls722 ft (220 m)Queensland
10Chandler Falls722 ft (220 m)New South Wales
11Jim Jim Falls700 ft (213 m)Northwest Territorie...
12Tin Mine Falls700 ft (213 m)New South Wales
13Boonoo Boonoo Falls689 ft (210 m)New South Wales
14Tully Falls650 ft (198 m)Queensland
15Wentworth Falls614 ft (187 m)New South Wales
16Bruccia Falls600 ft (183 m)Queensland
17Govetts Leap537 ft (164 m)New South Wales
18Belmore Falls525 ft (160 m)New South Wales
19Ellenborough Falls525 ft (160m)New South Wales
20Horseshoe Falls502 ft (153m)New South Wales

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