Qatar Traffic Violations Rules and Fines List

In Qatar, traffic offenses are punishable by severe fines and imprisonment, as well as the addition of new rules and regulations to the traffic limit, as well as the installation of high-tech cameras and radar detectors. Qatar is one of the most economically developed countries in the Gulf, and Doha is its largest and most populated metropolis. The great majority of Qataris own vehicles. According to a 2010 survey, 226 people died in traffic accidents in Qatar. The Qatari government has traffic violation laws that are equivalent to those found in other nations. The new traffic laws, which featured a point system, come into force in November 2009.

If you disobey and cross a traffic red light in Qatar, you will be fined 10,000 to 50,000 QAR or sentenced to three years in prison, or both. For example, violating traffic laws and regulations can result in your license being withdrawn and you being imprisoned for an extended period of time. The government has employed advanced technology to detect flaws that violate traffic regulations in Qatar’s metropolitan districts. Fines for traffic violations can be paid online through official portals.

The following list of Rules is the Official of Qatar Government of November 2009.

Fines and Penalties
Using Mobile Phone While DrivingQAR3,000 to QAR10,000 or up to 1-year imprisonment
Driving With No Authorized LicenseQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Driving Under the Influence of LiquorQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Driving in the Opposite Direction of the Traffic FlowQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Escaping from the Accident SiteQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Causing Sound & Air PollutionQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Exceeding the Speed LimitQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Not Wearing Seat BeltsQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Allowing Children Below 10 y/o Sit in Front Passenger SeatQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Not Giving Way to Official Motorcades & Police Vehicles, Civil Defense & AmbulancesQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Not Leaving Enough Space Between 2 VehiclesQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Motorcyclist Allowing Another Passenger Sit Behind Them (Pillion Riding)QAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
Beating the Red LightQAR10,000 to QAR50,000 or 1 Month to 3 Years Imprisonment or Both
First 14 Points3 months
+ 12 Points (26)6 months
+ 10 Points (36)9 months
+ 08 Points (44)1 Year
+ 06 Points (50)Canceled License

Jumping the red light7
Driving in the opposite direction6
Driving under the influence of alcohol6
Exceeding the maximum speed4
Driving recklessly and dangerously4
Driving with defective brakes4
Driving with inappropriate license3
Driving with stripped or invalid license3
Violating norms of public mortality3
Driving an unregistered vehicle3
Driving a vehicle without number plates3
Unauthorized changes made to number plates3
Providing wrong information to pass the technical inspection3
Blocking the flow of traffic intentionally3
Driving a vehicle without a proper silencer3
Driving a polluting vehicle3
Driving a vehicle that leaks any material that can endanger the public safety3
Driving on the embankment3
Changing a vital part of a vehicle without written permission from the authorities3
Making an unauthorized U-Turns3
Giving the license to someone who has no license2
Driving a vehicle with an unclear number of plates2
Driving with only one number plate, or changing their shape or details1
Refraining from giving driving license to traffic police1
Trucks violating the width, length, or weight regulations of the vehicle1
Driving a technically unsafe vehicle1
Using lights, horns microphones, or other machines against the law1
Disobeying traffic signs1
  1. The law stipulates that the driver and the front seat passenger should wear seat belts at all times.
  2. Cyclists should keep to the right side of the road and ride in on line.
  3. Motorcyclists are not allowed to ride on one wheel. Both cyclist and motorcyclists should wear helmets.

Note: The rule and fine could have changed meanwhile.

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