List of Waterfalls in Scotland

Scotland, a country in Europe, is home to a wide range of landscape types. As the ice melts and forms rivers, the rivers plunge precipitously to the sea, causing a series of waterfalls to form naturally in the intervals between voyages.

Even though there are a lot of waterfalls, most of them are in inconvenient wilderness areas and are hard to get to. It’s common for people to travel to Scotland in order to hike to one of the country’s many breathtaking waterfalls. Several spectacular waterfalls can be found in the country’s Highlands. The waterfalls listed below range in difficulty from very accessible to extremely difficult.

Waterfalls in Isle of Sky (county), Image by Frank Winkler from Pixabay
Allt Coire na Lurgainn WaterfallCnoc DuailHighlands
Barry MillBarryAngus
Bonhill FallBonhillDunbartonshire
Divach FallsDrumnadrochitHighlands
Falls of Divach
Dog FallsGlen Affric
Eas a' Chathaidh WaterfallArichastlichArgyll And Bute
Eas a' Chual AssyntSutherland
Falls of Bruar BruarPerth and Kinross
Falls of ClydeNew LanarkLanarkshire
Wildlife Reserve
Falls of Dochart KillinStirlingshire
Falls of Foyers Loch NessHighlands
Falls of GlomachDorusduainRoss-shire
Falls of LoraConnelArgyll
Falls of MeasachUllapoolHighlands
Falls of Rogie ContinHighlands
Falls of RoyHighlands
Garnock SpoutHeathfieldAyrshire
Grey Mares TailSelkirk and MoffatSelkirkshire
Hog Gill Spout/FallNewcastletonRoxburghshire
Inversnaid WaterfallInversnaidStirling
Kilt Rock WaterfallStaffinIsle of Skye
Lealt Gorge and WaterfallLower toteIsle of Skye
Linn of PatttackLagganHighlands
Mealt FallsEllishadderIsle of Skye
Moriston FallsInvermoristonHighlands
Falls of Invermoriston
Murchan SpoutHeathfieldRenfrewshire
Ose WaterfallOseHighlands
Pattack FallsLagganHighlands
Falls of Pattack
Penton LinnsCanonbieDumfriesshire
Plodda FallsTomichHighlands
Rha Valley WaterfallUigIsle of Skye
Rhymer's GlenAbbotsfordRoxburghshire
Roberts Linnbetween Hawick and NewcastletonRoxburghshire
Rogie FallsContin/TarvieHighlands
Falls of Shin AchinduichSutherland
Spout of Garnock HeathfieldAyrshire
Spout Head WaterfallGlentroolDumfries-shire
An Steall WaterfallFort WilliamHighlands
Wolfcleuchhead in Craik ForestHawickRoxburghshire
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