List of Major Arabic Language Spoken Countries

Arabic is a widely spoken language, particularly in northern Africa and the Middle East, with approximately 290 million native speakers worldwide. Many countries in the Middle East and North Africa have this as their official or co-official language. The Arabic alphabet, Arabic Braille, Syriac alphabet (Garshuni), Hebrew alphabet (Judaeo-Arabic), and Greek alphabet are all used in the writing system of the Islamic world (Cypriot Maronite Arabic). The Arabic language family is descended from Afro-Asian, which is the official language of 27 countries in North Africa and the Middle East.

CountryNative SpeakersInfluenceOther main language spoken
Algeria 34,895,000Official
Bahrain 807,000Official
Chad 10,329,208Co-official languageFrench
Comoros 691,000Co-official languageFrench and Comorian
Djibouti 864,000Co-official languageFrench
Egypt 79,089,650Official
Eritrea 5,224,000Co-official languageEnglish and Tigrinya
Iraq 31,234,000Co-official languageKurdish
Israel 7,653,600Co-official languageHebrew
Jordan 6,407,085Official
Kuwait 3,566,437Official
Lebanon 4,224,000Official
Libya 6,420,000Official
Mauritania 3,291,000Official
Morocco 32,200,000Co-official languageBerber
Oman 2,845,000Official
Palestine 4,260,636Official
Qatar 1,696,563Official
Saudi Arabia 25,731,776Official
Somalia 9,359,000Co-official languageSomali
Sudan 43,939,598Co-official languageEnglish
Syria 22,505,000Official
Tunisia 10,432,500Official
United Arab Emirates 4,975,593Official
Yemen 23,580,000Official

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