List of Major Airports in Afghanistan

The Airports in the list including International, Domestic, and Regional airports, The major airports which receive reasonable traffic are mentioned in the below list. Afghanistan has 4 International Airports they are Kabul International Airport, Kandahar International Airport, Herat International Airport, and Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi International Airport. There are also many major Domestic and Regional domestic Airports located in low populated areas.

Kabul international airport
Source: Flickr
Name of airportICAOIATALocationRunway Length
Herat International airportOAHRHEAHeart8218 FT
Shindand AirportOASDOA5Shindand9140 FT
Maimana AirportOAMNMMZ5090 FT
Kandahar International airportOAKNKDHKandahar10532 FT
Sheberghan AirportOASGJowzjan4582 FT
Mazar i sharif International airportOAMSMZRMazari sharif9826 FT
Konduz AirportOAUZUNDJalalabad6558 FT
Jalalabad AirportOAJLJAAJalalabad7262 FT
Bagram AirportOAIXBPMBagram near charikar9852 FT
Bamiyan airportOABNBINBamiyan4700 FT
Bost airportOABTBSTBost6500 FT
Chakcharan airportOACCCCNChakcharan5900 FT
Darwaz airportOADZDAZDarwaz2200 FT
Faizabad airportOAFZFBDFaizabad6500 FT
Farah airportOAFRFAHFarah6500 FT
Kabul International airportOAKBKBLKabul11403 FT
Khojaghar airportOAKGKhojaghar7800 FT
Khost airportOAKSKHTKhost6500 FT
Khwahan airportOAHNKWHKhwahan2200 FT
Kron monajn airportOAQMKron monajn2900 FT
Qala-i-naw airportOAQNLQNQala-i-naw6800 FT
Sheghnan airportOASNSGASheghnan2400 FT
Tereen airportOATNTIITereen5000 FT
Zaranj airportOAZJZAJZaranj6500 FT

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