World’s Highest Rice Producing Countries

Rice is one of the most important and widely used food crops, like Wheat and Maize. Asian countries produce highly and consume too. The world production of rice in 2009 was around 678 million tons, the production in developing countries accounted for 95% of the world production, and the study claims about 40% of rice is lost every year due to post-harvest problems, poor transport, a lack of proper storage, and retail.

The rice-producing countries adopted new ways to cultivate rice to maintain its quality and increase production. The three largest producers of rice are China, India, and Indonesia, with production of 202, 155, and 65 million metric tons, respectively.

Image by zcf428526 from Pixabay
(Million Metric ton)
1 People’s Republic of China 202.6
2 India 155.7
3 Indonesia 65.7
4 Bangladesh 50.6
5 Vietnam 42.3
6 Thailand 34.5
7 Burma 32.8
8 Philippines 16.6
9 Brazil 13.5
10 Pakistan 9.2
11 Cambodia 8.8
12 Japan 8.4
13 United States 8.3
14 South Korea 6.3
15 Egypt 5.6
16 Nigeria 4.5
17 Nepal 4.4
18 Madagascar 4.3
19 Sri Lanka 3.9
20 Iran 3.2

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