List of Largest Oil fields in Norway

There are the 6 largest Oil fields in Norway and other major are listed in the list. There are hundreds of Oil and Gas fields most of which are smaller in size, the North Sea holds large oil reserves many companies drilling presently in the Area. The Exports from oil have increased and constitute over 20% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Norway is one of the largest oil and gas exporters in the world.

The companies in Norway drilled around 5000 oil wells till today most of them located in the North Sea. The Statfjord oil field in the North Sea is the largest oil field which holds 3.4 billion barrels of recoverable oil and started production in 1979, Ekofisk oil field and Oseberg are the second and third largest with recoverable oil of 3.3 and 2.2 billion barrels.

Oil Well
Field NameRecoverable Oil (Billion Barrels)LocationStarted Production
Statfjord3.4North Sea1979
Ekofisk oil field3.3Central North Sea1971
Oseberg2.2North Sea1988
Gullfaks2.1North Sea1986
Snorre1.5Tampen area, Northern North Sea1992
Troll Vest1.4North Sea1995

Other Major Oil Fields in Norway

Blane oil field North Sea2007
Brage oil field North Sea1993
Draugen oil field Norwegian Sea1993
Gjoa oilfiel North Sea2010
Goliat field Barents Sea2013
Grane oil field North Sea2003
Gyda Oil Field Tambar East, North Sea1990
Heidrun oil field Haltenbanken, Norwegian Sea1995
Heilo prospect Barents Sea2011
Heimdal gas field Stavanger, North Sea1985
Johan Sverdrup oil field Utsira High, North Sea2018 (est)
Norne oil field Norwegian Sea1997
Oseberg East North Sea1996
Oseberg South North Sea2000
Oselvar oil field North Sea2011
Skirne gas field North Sea2004
Tambar oil field South North Sea2001
Ula oil field North Sea1986
Vale gas field North Sea2002
Valhall oil field North Sea1981
Yme field Central North Sea1996

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