List of Largest Cities in North Dakota

North Dakota is a state in the United States of America that is located in the upper Midwestern region and borders the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Montana. It is the 19th largest (183,272 km2) and 48th most populous state, with the 4th lowest population density of 3.83 people per km2. Fargo, the state capital of North Dakota, with a population of over 113,000 and a land area of 126 km2 with a population density of 896 people per km2. Bismarck, North Dakota’s capital and second-most populous city, is located in Burleigh County.

Downtown Fargo, North Dakota
RankNamePopulationArea (km²)Density
( inhabitants/km²)
3Grand Forks54,932521,051Grand Forks
5West Fargo29,87837799Cass

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