List of Largest Cities in Alaska

Alaska is the largest state in the United States, with an area of 1,717,854 km2 and a population of 735,132 people living at a density of 0.49 persons per km2. It is entirely separated from the other states and has a lengthy coastline. Juneau is the capital city of Alaska and the state’s second-largest city, with a population of 32,660 (as of 2013) with a population density of just 4 people per square kilometer over an area of 6,998 square kilometers.

Anchorage is the biggest city in Alaska, located in the state’s south-central region; its population was projected to be 300,950 in 2013 with a density of 68 people per km2 on an area of 4,415 km2. Alaska has the coldest and iciest mountain ranges in the world, with a severe climate for the most part.

Anchorage City, Photo by Simon Hurry on Unsplash
RankNamePopulationArea (km²)Density
( inhabitants/km²)
2Juneau32,6606,9984Greater Juneau
3Fairbanks32,32482.08393Fairbanks North Star
4Badger20,200169118Fairbanks North Star
6College13,40048275Fairbanks North Star
11Kalifornsky7,85018184Kenai Peninsula
13Meadow Lakes7,57018141Matanuska-Susitna
14Kenai7,1009277Kenai Peninsula
15Kodaik6,13012510Kodiak Island
18Chena Ridge5,791---
19Sterling5,61720560Kenai Peninsula

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