20 Major Food and Agriculture Productions in Bahrain

A small island country located on the Persian Gulf has a population of around 1.2 million. Most parts of the country are filled with desert. The dates are producing in high quality as the demand increases, and other vegetables are producing in the Greenhouse using the latest harvesting technology. Bahrain is importing foods and food products from other countries because the food production in the country is not enough to feed the people. Bahrain produces 14,591 tons of Dates. Dates are largely produced in Bahrain. Daily consuming foods such as Cow Milk, Vegetables, Chicken meat, and Fruits are also produced as per demand.

Image by nemo frenk from Pixabay

20 Major Food and Agriculture Productions in Bahrain

RankCountryProduction Quantity (in MT)Production Value (in $)
2Cow milk, whole, fresh9,500$2,965,000
3Vegetables fresh nes6,722$1,267,000
4Indigenous Chicken Meat6,143$8,749,000
5Fruit Fresh Nes5,050$1,763,000
7Indigenous Sheep Meat3,656$9,955,000
8Hen eggs, in shell3,000$2,488,000
9Eggplants (aubergines)1,391$297,000
10Cauliflowers and broccoli1,200$287,000
11Lemons and limes1,054$418,000
13Indigenous Cattle Meat894$2,416,000
14Cucumbers and gherkins873$173,000
15Onions, dry771$162,000
16Lettuce and chicory699$327,000
17Cabbages and other brassicas679102000
18Pumpkins, squash and gourds599105000
19Other melons (inc.cantaloupes)570105000

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