Amazing Tech Developments in the Farming Sector

Technology is a game-changer; when you think about where we were just 70 years ago, the first TV was being rolled out, in black and white, of course, while digital wasn’t a word that people used. Fast forward to the present, and we communicate using ones and zeros, which we send at the speed of light to all parts of the planet and beyond. Every industry has benefited from technological advances, and in this short article, we take a close look at agriculture and how technology has improved things.

  • Solar energy: Most farmers have a laptop computer near the fields, which has a solar panel as a roof, and this computer controls the irrigation and nutrient release. Indeed, solar panels drive CCTV systems that allow the farmer to monitor perimeters and livestock. Forward-thinking farmers have installed enough solar panels to provide all their energy, while the Australian government offers farmers financial support if they switch to solar. Some farmers have windmills to generate electricity, although solar is definitely the most popular. Wind is not as predictable as sunshine; however, some coastal locations are ideal for generating energy with windmills.
  • Disc chains: The unique disc chains of today prepare the ground with fewer passes, plus they can be fitted on new or existing frames. If you would like to learn more about disc chains, Google can take you to a leading Australian supplier, and this amazing product will save you time, energy, and money. Benefits of the latest generation of disc chains include better weed kill, fewer passes, soil customization, good seed preparation, and preserving subsoil moisture. The top Australian supplier is Bute, a company that makes the best disc chains that are very easy to fit. Search online to find their website and learn about their amazing products.
  • Drones: Drones have been a real game-changer for agriculture; a drone can a) monitor livestock, b) inspect boundary fences, and c) spray crops. Drone technology has come a long way, and today’s units fly further and faster with HD night vision cameras that are ideal for finding missing livestock. Sheep, horse, and cattle farmers all use drones; when a herd is found, they send in the helicopters to direct the animals. Drones also locate single animals that have gone missing, mothers, and calves that can’t be found, plus the drone can watch out for wolves and other predators. Click here for information on solar power in India.
  • Science: There have been some very hardy seeds developed by scientists; rice is a classic example. Laboratory staff splice genetic material to create a species that needs less water or grows quicker with a better yield. All produce is the result of many years of research and genetic manipulation; GMOs are the future.
  • The Internet: The World Wide Web helps farmers in many ways; they can order equipment online and contact service engineers when they have a breakdown. Farmers create social media groups in order to collaborate and help each other, and real-time video calls are always used to communicate in the fields. 
  • GPS technology: The Global Positioning System allows farmers to track animals and vehicles, which is frequently used by large-scale farmers in remote regions. There are many satellites that are put into orbit to assist remote communities, and agriculture benefits greatly.
  • Hydroponics: This system uses a substitute for soil, which might be a type of foam, and with the nutrients mixed with the water, growth is rapid. Indoor lighting allows you to grow indoors; some farmers have special facilities where they grow special species in warehouses with LED light frames that can be raised and lowered. Progress is ongoing, and the farming sector makes the best use of new technology, with hydroponics becoming more popular, not only with farmers but also with the general public. 
  • Greenhouse growing: With the latest LED lighting that is a perfect spectrum, specific flowers are grown in near-perfect conditions. Combined with hydroponics, LED lighting makes indoor growing feasible, and if you crunch the numbers, your yield might be enough to set up an indoor growing system. You never have to worry about weather with indoor growing, as you are growing in a controlled environment. If you have enough solar panels, your energy costs are practically zero, as LED is a low-input, high-output energy solution. 

So, there you have it. The Australian agriculture industry makes the best use of the latest technology in many respects, and the future looks good for farming in general. The number of small organic farms in Hunter Valley is a reflection of the demand for organic produce. If you are tired of city life, why not think about setting up an organic farm?

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