List of Major Airports in Angola

Angola one of the country in the continent of Africa, with around 243 airports including small, private and military airports, 32 of them are paved. In Angola, most of the Airports of the company managed by the ENANA (National Company to manage airports and air navigation). The Airports located in cities and towns and some important places in Angola for Cargo, Passenger and Military transportation.


Ambriz AirportFNAMAZZAmbriz
Andulo AirportANLAndulo
Benguela AirportFNBGBUGBenguela
Cabinda AirportFNCACABCabinda
Cafunfo AirportFNCFCFFCafunfo
Catumbela AirportFNCTCBTCatumbela
Cazombo AirportFNCZCAVCazombo
Cuito Cuanavale AirportFNCVCTICuito Cuanavale
Dundo AirportFNCHPGIChitato
Kuito AirportFNKUSVPKuito
Lubango AirportFNUBSDDLubango
Luena AirportFNUELUOLuena
Malanje AirportFNMAMEGMalanje
Mbanza Congo AirportFNBCSSYMbanza Congo
Menongue AirportFNMESPPMenongue
N'zeto AirportFNZEARZN'zeto
Namibe AirportFNMOMSZNamibe
Negage AirportFNNGGXGNegage
Ngiva AirportFNGINGVNgiva
Nova Lisboa AirportFNHUNOVHuambo
Porto Amboim AirportFNPAPBNPorto Amboim
Quatro De Fevereiro AirportFNLULADLuanda
Saurimo AirportFNSAVHCSaurimo
Soyo AirportFNSOSZASoyo
Uige AirportFNUGUGOUige
Waco Kungo AirportFNWKCEOWaco Kungo
Xangongo AirportFNXAXGNXangongo

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