Traveling. It leaves you speechless then turns you into one incredible storyteller. If you ask me why I travel so much? The answer you are going to get is very simple, it makes me modest. How? Travelling makes me realize what a tiny place I occupy in this big world. True isn’t it? One suggestion for you, never ever travel for impressive selfies or to make your friends jealous! Travel only when you want to experience the real essence of it. You get to learn a new culture, taste new food, interact with different people and take back home some unforgettable moments along with you. Still doubtful about why you should start traveling? Here is a sneak peek at the list of 7 reasons why travel makes you super awesome.
Now with cheap air tickets, don’t listen to what others tell you about a place, go see yourself and become even more awesome! And always remember, traveling is the only thing you buy which makes you rich. So stop making any more excuses, the world is waiting for you. Go conquer!
1. Travelling Boosts Your Confidence

Travelling gives you a clear vision, which is backed by definite plans, and that provides you with an enormous feeling of personal power and trust. When you take the first step to plan your very own trip, yes that’s when the confidence in you comes alive. With sorting out places to visit, things to do, hotels, and what not? You end up being more independent and self-confident.
2. Travelling Brings Out The Adventurous Side Of You

Once you are confident, you can do anything, yes anything! You become fearless both on the roads and about life. The primary purpose of life is to enjoy every moment and become braver each day. So come out of your comfort zone and face your fears! It’s time.
3. Travelling Makes You A Social Butterfly

This point is for all the introverts out there! When you first start traveling, you will come across many difficulties one being interacting with strangers. But with time you will realize you have become way more interactive, friendly and comfortable with the people surrounding you.
4. Travelling Teaches You What School Couldn’t

Traveling the world teaches you way more than what you learned inside classrooms. Once you start traveling, you become street smart. You learn and experience beautiful things which of course no books can ever teach you.
5. Travelling Makes You Appreciate Small Things In Life

In our daily lives, we tend to take many things for granted. We hardly understand anything or anyone, be it our parents or loved ones. But with traveling, you start realizing that life is so beautiful and you should be thankful always. You start appreciating little things in life be it the everyday sunrise or sunset.
6. Travelling Gives You The Best Memories

Imagine the list of stories you will have to tell your children? The best thing about traveling is that it gives you incredible and unbelievable moments which you can cherish forever. No book, no video, no picture can justify a place as you will do with your own eyes. So travel my friend whenever you can to have the best of life.
7. Travelling Makes You The Happiest

Happy people are the best! We all agree, right? Once you start traveling you become an extrovert, become more confident; you will have so many stories to tell the world, so many experiences to share. To be precise, you will be one happy person.
Need any more reasons? If these 7 reasons why travel makes you super awesome didn’t motivate you to book your ticket to your favorite destination, then I have no idea what will! Anyway if it did, you are just one step away to become a super awesome person. Happy travels!