5 Ways to Help Companies with Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is the future of communication because it is able to achieve not only a diverse audience but also placed geographically far apart.

The strength of mobile marketing lies precisely in its being, first of all, a multi-channel digital strategy that targets customers through communication tools such as social media, SMS, e-mail, and more. This is why marketers consider it essential to reach the target audience quickly and with a high impact of visibility.

The latest reports coming from America show that about 70% of time spent on digital media by users is increasingly moving to mobile platforms. This is over 100% growth over the past five years.

To capitalize on this trend, it is important that digital marketers strategically target mobile phone users and understand the advantages of pivoting to mobile.

Mobile Marketing

5 things a marketer should do to help companies with mobile marketing

Mobile Marketing has more channels than traditional marketing to reach customers

For any digital marketer, reaching new customers is an integral part of any successful business. Fortunately, mobile marketing has a multiplicity of channels that help reach consumers.

SMS, mobile applications, email marketing are just some of the means that can be used to communicate with your customers.

Unlike traditional marketing strategies, mobile marketing offers many channels that reach customers directly and also wanting differently on their smartphone or tablet.

A successful mobile marketer diversifies strategies to convert reach. This process, known as “cross-channel marketing”.

If properly constructed the message we want to launch or the e-mail that we want to use to push customers towards the reference website and to use an App will be the strong point on which to work to develop a flexible strategy that will allow us to obtain the maximum from the offers you want to advertise.

Always remember that any marketing strategy should use all channels following the same final goal, and not going to use them in a different and confusing way.

Mobile Marketing helps to reach a global audience

Since 2019, around 67% of the world’s population has had a mobile phone.

Only this number would be enough to understand the importance of implementing mobile marketing campaigns.

It is no coincidence that mobile marketers have the task of creating content that is aimed at a broad audience. Easily accessible beyond geographical and linguistic borders to take full advantage of the spread of mobile technology and the internet.

If the lack of linguistic and geographical barriers in mobile marketing means having a new world of potential customers. It is also true that we must first understand the different types of public. Focusing marketing strategies on a multicultural public is certainly not easy. If only for the study of customs and traditions, but it can certainly help to find new ways of earning money.

Mobile devices have largely eliminated communication barriers, creating a large group of international consumers, which has created a significant opportunity to convert organic research even further.

The spread of “viral” content has given marketers in recent years the ability to create content that spreads rapidly to a wide range of consumers.

Mobile Marketing requires mobile-friendly platforms

The third step comes by itself, but in 2019 having mobile-friendly business platforms does not seem to be so obvious.

That’s why any company looking to expand into mobile marketing is important to understand the importance of updating their digital offers as soon as possible.

Reaching your target audience on mobile platforms means that potential customers are able to interact with the company through the App and the website.  Check recently written article on How to launch a blog on a topic with the strong competition?

And if digital platforms are not suitable for mobile devices. Customers will certainly be lost by undermining the hard work done up to that point.

This is why the perfect user experience is essential. Your website must be equally readable and at the same time easily navigable both by a computer, tablet, and smartphone.

Making the purchase easy, making product costs and company policies immediately understood. It is an essential step to turn a potential customer into a real customer.

Be careful, however, because moving the corporate marketing strategy to mobile users will allow you to capitalize on a growing base of global customers. Never forget that the mobile experience is different from a desktop experience. And therefore, in order to avoid losing all the customers acquired in past years. It is always good to evaluate how and in what ways to develop one’s marketing strategy.

Understanding your audience is essential for mobile marketing

Let’s say that understanding and studying the target audience has always been the basis of marketing.

In mobile marketing, the added factors should never be underestimated. If, as we said, around 67% of the world uses a smartphone. Essential to direct content to the right audience.

Paid and organic reach, as the most important global marketers, teach, translate into clicks, which do not necessarily translate into greater sales.

For example, if a company has as its main target boys and men aged 18-30 with a demographic age. It is important to create content that addresses that audience. Then once the audience is identified, it is possible to customize mobile marketing strategies to achieve it.

Video and VR are the waves of the future

In the field of mobile marketing, the two trends of the future are video content and virtual or augmented reality.

Consider these figures:

  • In 2018, VR users were about 171 million, while in 2015 they were only 6.7 million.
  • About 48% of millennials watch videos on mobile devices only.
  • Millennials are three times more likely to watch videos on their phones than baby boomers.
  • VR users, in particular, have risen in recent years, and the investment for mobile marketers can be substantial. Unlike SMS and e-mail, the infrastructure for VR marketing strategies is still at an early stage, as the technology is always at the beginning even if it is catching up.

Looking to the near future, mobile marketers will have the task of using video and VR to reach consumers. There is no better time than now to consider the benefits for a company to invest in mobile marketing.

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