5 Things Every Great Holiday Party Needs

Great Holiday Party
Source: unsplash

If you plan to organize a holiday party at your own home, it’s important to create a helpful guide that will allow you to accommodate the guests. Make sure to address the following essentials and consider carefully whether the alternatives you already own can cut it based on the party’s theme and the number of invites.

1. Get a Folding Table

Of course, you already own a table at your own home. However, can you really be 100% sure that your coffee or dining table will be enough to hold the food and drinks for the party you have planned? Chances are you’ll need something with a larger surface that’s still easy to move and maneuver. In that case, it would be best to opt for a sturdy folding table. Thanks to its mobility, you can set it up wherever convenient, including your yard, and you won’t have to deal with moving your own furniture at all.

Party Table
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

2. Adequate Seating Is a Must

When you’re hosting a holiday party, you have to be prepared to provide a proper seating arrangement for every single guest you plan to invite. Even though you’ll be dancing, conversing, and having fun, people will undoubtedly get tired and look for a seat to rest. Not to mention that you all might decide to watch a movie later in the evening. 

Seating Holiday Party
Image by Sebastian Ganso from Pixabay

Of course, the seating you already own is already a good option, but what if the party is outdoors, and your patio simply can’t accommodate everyone? Makeshift palette seating is an efficient and affordable solution in this case. You can also get inexpensive inflatable lounges and couches that won’t take away much space in the storage afterward.

3. Provide a Pleasant Atmosphere

A good party atmosphere doesn’t only depend on your energy, the music playing in the background, and overall chattiness. Actually, in order for everyone’s mood to be friendly, energetic, and sociable, people need to feel comfortable and relaxed. In case you’re throwing a holiday party indoors, make sure that your AC system works perfectly. That way, it will cool/heat the room as necessary.

Pleasant Atmosphere
Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

If you want to experience some holiday cheer outdoors during the warmer summer months, it’s crucial to find a way to keep everyone cool and refreshed. That said, many people have discovered the efficiency of misting systems in Phoenix as a solution to Arizona’s tropical-like climate. The dispersed mist is fine enough not to bother your guests but it provides the much-needed coolness. What’s more, this is a great way to set your backyard up for some personal relaxation time, too.

4. Opt for Adequate Refreshments

Why would you need the mentioned folding table if not to hold the refreshments for your holiday party? That said, it’s only natural that you want to cater to your guests and provide them with tasty bites and refreshing drinks. In general, a cocktail party menu is the best when hosting a party as it provides the guests with a bunch of options and smaller bites that are easy to consume.

Nutrition Raspberry Juice
Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Make sure that you have vegan options as well, together with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. A nice selection of cocktails would spice things up, too. In case there are common allergens such as peanuts and eggs in your food selection, make sure to label the plates.

5. Decorate for the Occasion

Depending on the holiday you’re throwing a party for, it’s only natural that you’d want to decorate your place accordingly. Keep in mind that you don’t have to go out of your way with decorative bits and bobs if that’s not your style. Simple garlands, a couple of tasteful accessories that match the occasion, table pieces, and wreaths are all you really need to create a party-worthy setup in your home. Of course, you can always consider some additional entertainment elements such as a colour/dance globe to set the party tone.

Decorate Ocassion
Image by GemmaRay23 from Pixabay

It would be great to plan in advance when it comes to the music you’re going to play and the games you’d like to engage everyone in. However, don’t try to stick to the plan too much. The best parties are those that have a nice dose of spontaneous fun. 

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Reviewed and Checked by Worldlistmania Editors

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