In the extremely competitive environment of YouTube, the expansion of a channel is often characterized by the number of subscribers it has. It is an important indicator that may affect a channel’s exposure, credibility, and overall performance. Content providers interested in accelerating this development may find that purchasing YouTube subscribers is a possible avenue to explore.

Does purchasing YouTube views or subscribers give you a better start?
YouTube is a leading social media platform that allows individuals to earn money. So, if you wish to open a YouTube channel, you can buy YouTube subscribers to get an initial boost or support your new YouTube channel. It is crucial because the competition here is very high. But there are a few people or businesses that have successfully positioned themselves as successful YouTubers. Here, we will share 10 names of popular YouTube channels that are growing exponentially.
Real youtube subscribers from SocialZinger may provide a big initial boost, which can assist channels in overcoming the hard early phases of development. However, this does not mean that buying subscribers is a replacement for genuine content and interaction. An increase in a channel’s subscriber count may boost its status in YouTube’s algorithm, increasing the channel’s organic reach. This can make the channel more appealing to new viewers.
Your subscribers are considered to be your primary audience since they are the ones who are notified first whenever you upload a new video. They will be more inclined to watch your material, enjoy it, comment on it, and share it, contributing to better engagement rates. Your audience will expand along with your subscription base, allowing your material to influence many more individuals.
YouTube is undeniably a powerful platform, and it has helped many comedians, singers, and other professionals establish their careers. Many talented YouTubers have become well-known for their original content. Here are just a few of the more prominent ones:
1. PewDiePie

With more than 100 million followers, Swedish YouTuber PewDiePie is a global phenomenon. Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, began his YouTube career posting game walkthroughs and reviews but has since branched out into sarcastic commentary and meme compilations. The 29-year-old’s career began on YouTube, where he quickly amassed more than 100 million followers.
2. Rainbow Friends Fans
Rainbow Friends has quickly become one of the world’s most popular video game brands, with players enjoying the game in over 180 nations. The game saw more than one billion players log in within a month of its release. This makes it one of the video games with the quickest tempo ever achieved by a company.
3. DarkMine
Dark Mine is an Android action game with a classic aesthetic. Humanity’s infinite network of tunnels constructed after the sun went down is known as “the Dark Mine.” People built underground shelters near the world’s edge to keep the night’s terrors at bay. In the vast network of tunnels, they dug under the earth’s surface, strange animals lived in never-ending pursuit of the last illumination source.
4. Carry Minati
Ajay Nager has more subscribers than any other Indian YouTuber. His channel, CarryMinati, has over 38.5 million followers and 3.2 billion cumulative views on YouTube. He uploaded 184 videos, some of which were music videos he had created. Ajay was born on June 12, 1999, and his YouTube debut was in October 2014.
His humor, intelligence, and extensive gaming knowledge have made him a household name in India. His videos often include roasts, video games, comedic skits, critical analyses of musical works, and other forms of internet entertainment.
5. Liam Ottley
To ensure that his customers remain one step ahead of the competition, Liam Ottley assists them in developing robust AI solutions. Considering the quick rate at which AI influences every sector of the economy, those willing to take risks have the opportunity to enhance their market share. He is freely discussing his business expertise with the entrepreneurial community through YouTube.
6. Cocomelon
Cocomelon is a child channel launched on September 1, 2006, and it features fresh nursery rhymes in 3D music and movies in an approachable and entertaining style. The tablet the young child holds, which displays an animated kid singing a children’s song and dancing with dinosaurs, makes the kid’s face glow bright.
The little child is so enthralled by the song that she doesn’t even flinch when her mother shouts her name, even though she has no idea what dinosaurs are and has no clue what the words imply.
7. FactTechz
FactTechz offers various fascinating subjects likely to pique your curiosity, from technology to culture, science to conspiracy theories, and everything in between. Rajesh’s captivating voiceovers and aesthetically spectacular presentations set FactTechz apart from other channels and helped him become the fastest-growing channel to gain one million members in only one year.
8. Topper Guild
The Topper guild became active on July 9, 2014, and immediately adopted the game’s newly introduced rule. He also has over 27 million followers on the microblogging service TikTok. He began using the new TikTok feature short, modeled after the short function on YouTube, which helped him obtain many fans.
9. Urban Gardening
Mohit Kumar Singh Rajput established Urban Gardening on November 17, 2016, and it is true to its name in appearance and operation. It is a passion, and it has a lot of ideas and suggestions about how to do things, which includes why the YouTube channel has grown the quickest in the last 24 hours.
10. MrBeast
MrBeast’s fame has spread far and wide, yet little is known about his life outside of YouTube. Everyone knows he earns a fortune by doing daring acts on his YouTube channel and giving out millions of dollars and crazy gifts to strangers.
Furthermore, the YouTube channels with the quickest growth are always developing and changing. Due to the ever-increasing level of competition on YouTube, it is essential to strongly emphasize developing distinctive and engaging content that may set you apart from the rest. Any channel has the potential to achieve success and rank among the most rapidly expanding channels on YouTube if the appropriate methods are used. You can read about the youtube community rules and policies for help.